Three on a Match
Three on a Match is an American television game show created by Bob Stewart that ran on NBC from August 2, 1971 to June 28, 1974 on its daytime schedule. The host was Bill Cullen and Don Pardo served as announcer on most episodes, with Bob Clayton and NBC staffers Wayne Howell and Roger Tuttle substituting at times. The series was produced at NBC's Rockefeller Center in New York City. The program's title is wordplay on the superstition of the same name.
Cast and Crew
Three on a Match
Three on a Match is an American television game show created by Bob Stewart that ran on NBC from August 2, 1971 to June 28, 1974 on its daytime schedule. The host was Bill Cullen and Don Pardo served as announcer on most episodes, with Bob Clayton and NBC staffers Wayne Howell and Roger Tuttle substituting at times. The series was produced at NBC's Rockefeller Center in New York City. The program's title is wordplay on the superstition of the same name.
Orignal Language
Episodes per Season
Release Data
Produced By
Bob Stewart Productions, NBC
Streaming Network